Wild Horses

Information about history, education, tours, and photos of the wild horses in the northern Outer Banks.

Posts (2)

Wild Horse Tours

Wild Horse Tours

There are several companies providing tours to see the Wild Horses in Carova. Our family really enjoyed our tour and we hear great feedback from others. Check the "Sunny Days" guides in the Visitor Center or grocery store for coupons. Certain days of the week have cheaper rates too.


·0 min read

Wild Horses of Corolla

Wild Horses of Corolla

The Northernmost portion of the Outer Banks is home to about 100 wild Colonial Spanish Mustangs. It is believed that the herd came to the Outer Banks nearly 500 years ago and were likely left behind by Spanish explorers who evacuated after multiple attacks by Native Americans.


·1 min read

2025 | Seaside Cottage Corolla N.C.

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